Monday, June 28, 2010
It was a bad day...
today like everything so bad
First if all, fell durin drama class
damn ps wont explain y-.- then
cause i fell then i fell on my knees
then is the same place i hurt when fell
like 2wks ago then haven fully recover
then hurt that place a again...
then the skin like all pilled off then got lots of blood
then i never tell teacher then the blood like dripped
onto my right shoe then like got the blood like the
design of the shoe lo hahax lol then cause drama class
is split into 2 group each class then my group got kim
Jabelle,Jiani n JingJing the other group. Then i told kim got
blood dripped onto my shoe then she like omg then she
tell me go tell teacher then i say nvm. Then finish the game
le everyone sit down on the floor then i cant cross my leg
so i just (dunno how to say) sit down then cause class got
2 teacher then on of them saw my knee got blood then
call me go to washroom wash the knee then kim pei wo(thanks)
then went to toilet use toilet paper wet it wif water then dry it
then kim say go general office then i say ok lo then we go
then the person there help me put medicine then put plaster
Thanks for those who concern about me :)
then when reached home after bathin, i wanted to took
out the plaster but the skin like stick to the plaster
damn pain dun dare to pill then ask my mum help
me pill then she like pill the plaster out very quickly
super pain -.- lol never expect so pain
thats how it feel when u try to recover a wound,
u r very careful wif it, afraidin to hurt the wound
but just because a accident that u didnt expect will happen,
the wound is open again...
then my mum help me put the medicine on the wound
then super pain then i _ -.-
but nothin is painer than _...
Second, is i walk then got the steps then i step on
it hardly then the mud like splashed onto my shoe
yuck lo .
thirdly, i m goin to fail ccm
took the test today. Like question
also dunno... then after the test check the
bk i like everything wrong...
Hais... this year birthday like very sian..
YOHO tmr is my birthday(like bu yao lian)
k gtg bye~