Monday, December 27, 2010
HiHi pepo!!! quite long no post le:P christmas was quite fun for me:D
I WANT 小猪罗志祥 NEW BOOK-『罗辑课』!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HEHE :P
Gonna preorder it at popular!!! YAY! HAHA ^^ Saw from fb that
next year jan singapore then can buy. Now taiwan can buy le lo. jealous><>< Ate quite a lot during christmas:P must exercise le:P but i lazy :P couldnt sleep last night :( 1 more year to reach to senior standard for band! Jiayous! i doubt i can go for SYF. work hard! haha
One of my wish for christmas, i wished that i can have more courage.
Dunno why but this few days, i seem to cry alot while watching the tv shows.
Is it the all the shows became more touching or is it me?